the business is going down economiclly
Paragraph 1. I believe that Mathew farmer stole the tools the most reliable peice of evidence that I used to determine the awnser is Anthony's diary.I think the evidence is the most reliable because diary I really arnt meant to be read by anyone but yourself so why would he lie in his own diary. I learned from the source that Mathews dad had gotten injured resentally and in that period in time there was a drought which caused people to fall on hard times. In that time farm tools had become expensive because people needed them to provide food for there families. The type of source that was used was a diary. The purpose of this source /or how it was created/ was for the use of a personal diary for will Anthony. This source is primary because it was made before the scene of the crime.
Paragraph 2.
The least reliable peice of evidence presented in the case was the photograph made in 2010. The photo showed and image of Mathew farmer outside the shop the night of the crime. The reason i think this evidence is lease reliable is that it was made in 2012 which makes it a secondary source made hundreds of years later so there could be no real evidence to that photograph. The purpose of the photo was to show what might of happend the night of the crime. The source is also a secondary source because it was made by a secondary source not an eye witness.
It’s obviously traditional so your answer is C