69.08265412 milliseconds
Lets first convert 7 MiB to bits
Now convert bits to Gbits
Queuing Delay = Total size/transmission link rate
Queuing Delay= seconds
Delay of packet number 3 = seconds
or milliseconds
D) Engineering and Technology
Brent Designs or <em>Engineers </em>the equipment or<em> Technology </em>that is used to keep the plant safe.
C is a sentence fragment it does not have a verb
The Home ribbon contains the Paragraph attributes
The Hexa-decimal numbers have base 16 and includes numbers:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F
The given steps are performed to convert a decimal number to hexa-decimal number, here to convert decimal number 35 to hexa-decimal number:
- Divide 35 by 16
- Note the remainder, r which is 3 here and quotient which is 2
- Again divide 2 (quotient) by 16 and note the remainder, r' which is 2 and quotient is 0
- We will stop here as the quotient is now 0. Usually division by 16 is repeated until we get quotient = 0
- Now arrange the remainder in reverse order to get the hexa-decimal number as r'r
- The hexa-decimal number is