39 purple stemmed plants
39 green stemmed plants
You'll end up with half and half! :)
Ain't in ur following ig..wait, will follow u in a sec :) Then went be even Stephen (y do u want ppl to report it btw?)
No, or at least not yet. there small and dont do much improvment. If they were much bigger and sucked better, including some touch-ups here and there, they would have a bigger effect on removing sea urchins.
At the very bottom
When examining a cross section of rock layers, the oldest layer is on the bottom. This is because over time, newer rock layers continued to form on top of the oldest one.
The genotype of an organism does not constitute its observable characteristics but rather its phenotype. A genotype of an organism is the genetic makeup of an organism while the phenotype is the visible characteristics.
It is, however, significant to understand that the phenotype of an organism is as a result of the interaction between the genotype and the environment.