The Time of Chaos during the collapse of Rome
Professional organizations that controlled how their industry operated and protected their members' interests against outsiders were called "special interest groups", since they look out for the interest of their members.
Answer: C) Iconoclasts believed it was blasphemy tp wotship religious objects
The answer is the implicit memory in which it is the retaining of skills and dispositions deprived of conscious reminiscence. The implicit memory is sometimes mentioned to as unconscious memory or automatic memory. The implicit memory uses past involvements to remember things deprived of thinking about them. The enactment of implicit memory is permitted by previous experiences, no matter how long ago those involvements happened.
Erving Goffmam believes that humans generally in their behaviors is usually influence by their relationship and personal happening. Regionalization has to do with the breakdown of a whole unit into subunits for ease (decentralization).
Erving stated that a person always tries to create a new version of himself/ herself(an impression) of what he or she wants the other person to think of himor her during a conversation. He believes that we are like actors projecting different roles and trying to project an image to the public about us. Regionalization helps us to focus on that aspect we are good. Goffman stated that hamans generally like to project that positive part of their life they want people to see so as to quide people's opinion especially that positive angle of themselves.