"Hey, you excited?" Sarah asked with a smile.
I hesitated. "Not really. I mean, it sounds like one of those lousy school trips where it rains the entire week. I mean, seriously? England's cool and stuff but what is there actually worth seeing?"
"Aw, c'mon. You must be a little excited to see Buckingham palace!" Sarah didn't bother masking her disappointment.
"And the <em>british folk</em>," I put on a British accent which made her laugh.
"See? It won't be that bad. Let's get on the coach," she stepped on the coach, waiting for me to follow. I guess it couldn't be that bad, could it?
'Had Bought'
The infinitive 'to buy' turns into 'had bought' in past perfect. The PAST TENSE is simply 'bought', but the PAST PERFECT tense is 'had bought'.