first two boxes (going from left to right) go in the peers column and the other two at the bottom go in the parents discussion.
they banned large sodas\ sugary drinks
The Matthew passage conveys a downright opposite message to that of Orgon. It means that Tartuffe's piety is a spectacle, a theater show for Orgon and the masses to see. Tartuffe pompously prayed in church before the congregation (and Orgon, of course), kissing the ground all the time, pathetically sighing and demonstrating his piety very loudly.
A. penguins because they are receiving the action of the verb fed.
The readers will know that it is Panchito’s point of view because Panchito refers to himself as “I” and “me”. He reflects on only his own, or Panchito's, thoughts. All of the stories are told from Panchito's perspective, or point of view.