Located at the front of the book telling you where your going to find suggested important parts in the book by page number
Santa cruz in 1791. Hope this helps! Let me know if you need more help!
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste alguna referencia o contexto en específico. podemos comentar lo siguiente,
Los supuestos de carácter moral aplicables al campo laboral de los trabajadores es que estos trabajadores deben de mostrar una conducta ética intachable, un comportamiento ejemplar bajo los más altos valores morales como el respeto, la disciplina, la discreción, entre otros tantos.
Los trabajadores deben ser personas dignas de confianza y mostrar su agradecimiento por tener una fuente de empleo estable.
La mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de su comportamiento en el trabajo, las instalaciones de la empresa, y su comportamiento fuera del mismo ya que ellos son unos representantes de la imagen pública de la empresa donde laboran.
Los trabajadores deben ser discretos con lo que escuchan en el lugar de trabajo y no andarlo contando por afuera. Deben ser leales, no robar, no mentir, y guardar confidencialidad de los documentos, herramientas, software, e información que pertenece a la compañía.
Three aspects of <em>(I will choose Greek culture but lmk if u want Roman i can help with that too)</em> Greek culture are their religious values, their significant philosophical, mathematic, and scientific contributions, and also their wide influence on art and architecture.
Greek culture prides itself in its foundational religious beliefs, as the culture focuses on polytheism, or the belief of many gods. Many of their teachings of morales are derived from the many myths and tales of their gods and their relationships and encounters with mortals.
Even today, Greek knowledge and findings remain prevalent, being the key to logical and philosophical reasonings, such as the philosopher Socrates. Greek culture also places an emphasis on mathematics and sciences, also embedding logical reasoning to them, especially in mathematics, such as another Greek philosopher Pythagoras, the founding father of the Pythagorean Theorem used in mathematics in almost every problem.
Greek culture also treasured their works of arts, as they are still priceless artifacts today. Much of their art and buildings continue to inspire the modern world's works, showing their solid splendors of classic marble and the unique structure of a stadium or theatre.
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