Athena tell Telemachus to sail to Delphi and Troy and ask king Nestor and King.
i was in big trouble because i was mad. i went to the backyard and got a medal pole and broke all the windows in the house. So I ran to my friends house and called my brotherr so he could come and get me for a few days. I got my phone and type a few of my feeling in it so I could get releif. when i got back home I replaced the windows and apoligized for all the trouble.
(P.S. this is not a real story) plz mark me brainliest
How to use subtlety in a sentence. ... The pianist performed with subtlety and passion. we appreciated the subtlety ... in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. ... What made you want to look up subtlety?
Publishing Gulliver's Travels had the goal of exposing corrupt Whig politics to the society and mocking them pointing out to all their flaws and crookedness. In addition, he wanted to present the pettiness of mankind and how it can lead to the downfall of society and civilization.