C. The particles break connections among brain cells.
The dilemmas are composed of specific hypothetical situations and then a series questions designed to provoke the reader into analyzing and introspecting one’s morals.
"The Kohlberg's Dilemmas" were developed by Lawrence Kohlberg. These dilemmas are associated with the question of values, love, justice, etc. Lawrence is celebrated for his theory of moral development.
<u>The dilemmas are well-structured by Kohlberg. Each dilemma consits of a specific hypothetical situation that are concerned with the values, love, justice, kindness, etc. Each dilemma then is followed by a series of questions. These questions are structured to brain-storm the readers mind, as each of them looks into the matter of moral values</u>.
For instance, in Dilemma I, the question 'Should Joe refuse to give his father the money?' evokes the question of moral value of what should Joe do in such situation. This question not only answers the moral values of Joe but our moral values by answering to such questions as well.
Being an intelligent person, Gerrard did not show even the slightest of nervousness at the sight of the gun-toting criminal. He knew that his cool-headedness and presence of mind would not only help him to manage the crisis but would also contribute towards unnerving the intruder, who too must be having some fear lurking in his mind. Keeping the atmosphere light and lively with his sense of humour and funny remarks, Gerrard instantly cooked up a story about his criminal background. Convincing the intruder that the police would arrive any minute to nab them, he impressed upon the intruder that they would have to escape immediately. Cleverly, he made him peep into a cupboard saying that it was an escape route. The moment the intruder leaned forward to inspect it, Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard and knocked the revolver out of his hand. He then closed and locked the door. Thus, his intelligence, sense of humour, and presence of mind turned the tables on the intruder.