It was the night of the most important party of the school year, so yeah, I slipped out the front door in my coolest looking dress. I joined my friends and we had a great time. From the boozed punch, to the amazing atmosphere all I could do was dance. We must have partied till at least midnight. Afterward my friends drove me home and I grabbed the doorknob only to find out that I had locked the door behind me. If I woke my parents I was so screwed!! Sighing I walked around to the back door and jiggled the doorknob, also locked. I searched around the house for a unlocked window and pried it open. I carefully crawled through, only to see that the lights were on and my parents were standing in the living room, scowling. "I can explain." Was all I was able to get out before they started yelling at me.
Basically, the quote means that this lady has lived a long, tired, and hardworking life. Her soul is at rest because she is satisfied with the life that she lives.