1. Statement 2: Diversity in backgrounds and experience creates a society that teaches tolerance and respect
When we allow diversity in a society, we will give a chance for different group of people to maintain their own cultural identity.
This might not be seen much, but it would make those group of people felt really valued despite living as minorities in the society. It will teach all members of society to tolerate, respect , and appreciate the difference that exist in other people rather than forcing the same culture and ideology toward them.
2. Native Americans were segregated into reservations
This type of action basically conveys that the government had no regard for their cultural value and want to force them to bow down to the societal standard that imposed by the settlers.
This will make a lot of them feel disrespected , making it hard for them to actually assimilate to the settler's culture.
3. Asian Americans have been victims of discriminatory legislation and executive action.
For example, Chinese Exclusion and affirmative action caused a lot of hardship for Asian Americans. Chinese exclusion that imposed until 1940s prevented the whole asian ethinicty from immigrating, which separates a lot of Asian with their family. If the entrance to university is purely based on test, Asian American would dominate more than half of the seats. But executive action limits the candidates based on race, which exclude a lot of Asian students who actually score higher than other students that got in.
4. Societal norms persisted despite legal protections
The legal protections for women to be treated in the same manner was not as effective as it intended to be because societal norms often acted as a shackle for them . For example , since they were young, they were expected to behave in a certain manner and raised to be family focus and discouraged to pursue a career.
5. -Not allowing a 10-year-old to drive
-Not allowing a male to supervise a female locker room
Rational basis test would view a certain law in different perspective to see whether it's applicable under specific circumstances.
For example, let's say that 10-year old is not allowed to drive. Now, let's say that Roy is a 10 year old with high intelligence who actually able to drive better than most people. He was caught driving his injured mom to rush into hospital. Would the law be applicable in this scenario ?
the same argument could also be made in a law that Not allowing a male to supervise a female locker room. What if the man has close relationship with the female members and they specifically ask the men to supervise the room since they feel safer that way. Would the law be applicable in this scenario ?
6. Part of the 14th Amendment emphasized that the laws created by the government must provide equal "protection" to all individuals regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, or religion.
This mean that as long as you are a legal citizen of united states, your life , property, and liberty are guaranteed to be protected by the government even and there is nothing the government can do to undermine these rights.