This is true , trees loose their leaves as a part of growth, also in seasons they loose leaves.
Tissue is a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit. A nonliving material, called the intercellular matrix, fills the spaces between the cells. This may be abundant in some tissues and minimal in others.
Answer: Carbon Dioxide and other green house gasses
Answer: The correct answer is- all the sugar maple trees that are present in a state park.
Population can be described as a group of individuals belonging to a particular species, which inhabit a particular area.
In this question, last option that is all the sugar maple trees that are present in a state park correspond to a particular population.
Other options have organisms occupying different areas across the world.
The difference is in the location. If the rain forest is close to the equator, it is considered tropical. If the rain forest is farther away from the equator (between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn) then the forest is considered to temperate.