It was signed on May 19, 1828 during the presidency of John Quincy Adams. It was passed by Congress. It set a tariff (tax) on imported goods. The tariff was designed to protect the northern industry, causing the southern states to be hit dramatically, which is why it was considered a reason leading to the Civil War.
The answer is b, hope this helps
When World War I began, many Americans were reluctant to join the war to avoid involvement in Europe's "petty squabbles" (as it saw them), and didn't feel that it was a threat to the US. They did send Britain essential war materials to help them during earlier parts of the war. The First World War saw a continuation of America's Isolationist policy, as the people of America didn't want to become involved in foreign affairs which didn't concern them. America did join the war, however, after Germany sank the Lusitania, killing 128 American citizens. They only entered the war for the last year though, and if they had come in sooner , the war might have ended much earlier.
Semejanzas y diferencias entre las civilizaciones mayas, aztecas e incas. 2 ... ¿Qué características de la organización política ... ¿Cuáles fueron las principales características ... El período de esplendor azteca terminó después que el de la civilización inca. ... e incas”. Reflexiona respecto de tu aprendizaje en este capítulo.
Concord Hymn was a poem written by the famous transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson. A radical thinker in his time, Emerson is now known as one of the greatest philosophers in history, a pioneer in the idea that the individual is more important than the group. Living during the Industrial Revolution, he saw how society was becoming confined by its own need for itself. He wrote multiple works expressing the need to remove one’s self from civilization and reconnect with nature and with God.</span>