whites where slaves first back in Egypt while the blacks where higher ups and classified important by the gods
When he dies, Emily goes into denial and refuses to allow him to be buried for the first three days as a coping mechanism. She has no one else to turn to because her father kept her from everyone else
<h2> Mr. and Mrs. Anurag Tripathi</h2>
are moving with their family in their new dream house
<h2> ANTILIA</h2>
On this occasion, you are cordially invited with family on the occasion of their housewarming party to be a part of this celebration and share their joys.
<em> Kindly grace the occasion with your presence.</em>
<em>Date:</em> 20th September 2020, Sunday
<em>Time:</em> 12:00 PM onwards
<em> ------ Venue ------</em>
Bungalow no. 267, North Avenue, Florida
United States; Contact: 9876543210, 8765432172
Can u retake the picture I need to read all of it please