Answered below.
Panem et circences translated as, bread and entertainment, is a phrase that refers to superficial, ready, satisfaction and appeasement. That is, to gain public approval by providing the most immediate needs of the population, for example food and entertainment.
In 140BC, Roman politicians kept the votes of poorer citizens by giving out cheap entertainment and food and this method became a very reliable and effective way to get power.
Panem et circences was not a smart way to keep control of such a huge empire as the people would not hold politicians to do their work after having been enticed by food.
We can still find this in the poorer developing countries today. The leaders of these countries donate food to, and host parties for poorer people during elections to get their votes and get into power, while ignoring their duties to provide public service.
some of what you make is taxed from your employee paycheck and goes to the governement.
The Supreme Court decided that prayer in school was "<span>unconstitutional" </span>
second one, "Quakers were treated harshly in Europe."