I'm french ;) And it's "une école" so it's Correct
1. Which bishop made the decision to build Notre-Dame? = Maurice de Sully<span>
2. What year did the construction of Notre-Dame begin? = 1163
3. What type of architecture does Notre-Dame display? = </span> Gothic<span>
4. Notre-Dame has numerous waterspouts carved with grotesque faces. What are the called? = </span><span>Gargoyles
</span><span>5. Notre Dame was used as a teaching tool for people who could not attend Universities. Notre Dame operated as a Cathedral School.<span> This corporation of teachers and students will evolve in 1200 into the University of Paris in an edict by King Philippe-Auguste.</span>
6. The statues in the Gallery of Kings were damaged when the revolutionaries cut off the head of the statues.
7. Who was the author of Notre Dame de Paris? = </span>Victor Hugo<span>
8. Who was the main character of Notre Dame de Paris? Hint: He lived inside the cathedral. = </span>The Hunchback of Notre-Dame<span>
9. Notre Dame is located in Paris on the eastern end of </span>Île de la Cité<span>.
10. Which river flows alongside Notre Dame? = Seine</span>
<em />
<em>1. Il a des vers, ils sont réguliers, il a des rimes croisés :ABAB.</em>
<em>3. La guerre</em>
<em>4. Poème écrit en alexandrins (vers de 12 syllabes), composé de 3 quatrains.</em>
<em>5. </em>
<em>- l'attente et l'espoir</em>
<em>- La perte du courage</em>
<em>- La force de résister</em>
I hope you have a great day!!!
L'American Civics Test (U.S. Civics Test / American Citizenship Test / U.S Citizenship Test) est un examen que tous les immigrants doivent réussir pour obtenir la citoyenneté américaine. Le test est préparé en anglais et le candidat doit obtenir au moins 60% pour réussir.