4 billion years
Scientists have found the oldest known rocks on Earth. They are 4.28 billion years old, making them 250 million years more ancient than any previously discovered rocks. Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a disk of gas and dust circling the sun.
Los monosílabos ortográficos son aquellas palabras que solo contienen una vocal o un grupo de vocales que forman diptongo o triptongo: huir, liar, Luis, pie, fue, guion, fiais. Los monosílabos ortográficos según las normas actuales no se acentúan en ningún caso, salvo los que tienen tilde diacrítica.
please mark as brainlist..... bye...
I hope this answer is correct
causes of environmental problems in Sub-Saharan Africa are deforestation,
development, and increased population. As the country is aiming for development,
its environmental status is impaired. Increasing population resulted to
migration to higher urban or rural areas, and continuous land cultivation which
eventually caused deforestation and dilapidation.</span>