The word change is a quantitative term meaning distinctive things to various people groups around the globe.But with regards to clashes avoidance and rough challenge, I think a discourse conveyed at the UN over three decades prior by the pioneer of Ethiopia halfway gives a smart response to the inquiry under thought.
In that notable discourse, the Ethiopian legislator observed that "until the logic which holds one race prevalent and another sub-par is at long last and for all time defamed and surrender. Until there are no top of the line and peasant in any country!! Until the shade of a man's skin is of no criticalness than the shade of his eyes and until essential human rights are similarly assurance to all without respects to race"- - you will dependably have clashes and fierce challenges.
In all actuality most if not all contentions and vicious dissents are man made!!! I will firmly propose that the purported five perpetual individuals from the UN Security Council should close down all arms generation industrial facilities in their separate countries, acknowledge a blend of communism and private enterprise to ensure the powerless and the less special and quit empowering disdain, undesirable competition and harshness in nations whose routines are not in accordance with their political and financial estimations.