Silent Spring by Rachel Carson was an environmental science book. It documented the negative effects the indiscriminate use of pesticides has on the environment, particularly the birds.
The book became the tool that awakened the public to the real harm that big industrial companies have been hiding from them. Thus, driving them to launch an environmental movement that aims to prohibit the indiscriminate use of pesticides, specifically DDT.
u can say how robots are seemingly taking over our world and this is our one and only world; humans created these robots yet these robots are gonna soon take over our places in society ------ soon we'll be worthless while the robots become priceless to mother earth; our past actions to make the world a better one will all be futile as we have no longer any stand in the world with the existence of robots.
hope this helps:))
good luck for your exam too:)) u can do it
The theme of hospitality which can be seen in various instances and teachings in the Bible can also be seen in numerous instances in "The Odyssey". The Greeks highly hold the value of hospitality in their approach and treatment of guests, including strangers, which is nothing new according to Christian beliefs.
The theme of hospitality has been a part of human existence and quality since ages ago. This virtue is also seen in the Bible, where numerous prophets have talked of the need to entertain strangers where "<em>some have entertained angels unawares"</em>. (Hebrews 13)
Likewise, this extending of hospitality to one's guests is a common feature in Homer's "The Odyssey" where we can see numerous instances of guests being warmly welcomed in their journeys. Some have even housed "gods" who were disguised. Another feature of this virtue is the Greeks' attitude of sending their guests off with gifts, for they believed that the same may one day fall on them and when that day arrives, they may also be treated the same way. One example is that of Odysseus' time in the land of the Phaeacians (Book 6-8). Not only was he welcomed warmly, he was given a safe stay and then departed with a number of gifts. Such was the etiquette of the humans even in ancient Greece, almost similar with that of how the believers in the Bible were taught to be. The Christian brotherly love of friendship and hospitality is all the same to the Greeks who also seemed to have an unwritten rule of being hospitable to everyone, even strangers.
The images of chaos and destruction in the poem are reinforced by its uneven meter and a regular rhythm scheme