After they were freed, indentured servants were given their own small plot of land to farm.
The Federalists were Pro-British ( they supported the Jay Treaty which brought continuity of trade between Britain and America fostering interdependence) John Adams went against his party's orders, by trying to avoid war with France. The Federalists wanted war because it would increase military power showing the people that increasing military power was a necessity in order to protect the new nation from tyrants. The Federalists saw it as an opportunity to turn US citizens against France.
c) The act gave the president the right to veto major constitutional decisions made by the Supreme Court.
Alexander Hamilton was the force behind the project, and was responsible for recruiting James Madison and John Jay to write with him as Publius. Two others were considered, Gouverneur Morris and William Duer. Morris rejected the offer, and Hamilton didn't like Duer's work. Even still, Duer managed to publish three articles in defense of the Constitution under the name Philo-Publius, or "Friend of Publius."
c. British Parliament
Which elected group was the earliest representative assembly in the European colonies? British Parliament
a. House of Burgesses
b. Virginia Senate
d. Plymouth Plantation