Factors of production are those measures that are used to produce goods or services.
There are four factors of productions namely: entrepreneurship, labor, land, and capital.
The plow a farmer uses to plant crops is an example of capital because capital as a factor of production refers to all man-made tools that are used to produce goods or products.
Socrates. You think your teacher is tough when he or she asks a question? Socrates almost never gave a straight answer. A question was always followed by another question. He's fun to read about, but I'll bet his students didn't always like it.
The massive turmoil that the Reformation caused had a lasting impact on European politics. Soon after the Catholic Church deemed Martin Luther a “protestant,” Europe became divided along confessional, as well as territorial, lines. The religious turmoil of the period led to warfare within most states and between many.
The battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian Second Army, I looked it up