He argued that mathematics could be used to measure and describe all motion in the universe.
Answer and Explanation
The trade helped to develop African societies in Maghreb Western Africa that later influence the rise of the Mali Empire.
African Gold-Salt trade brought the Arabs to Africa, leading to Arabic conquest that influenced western Africa societies due to introduction of trade.
There was spread of Islam into Africa through the trade routes of West Africa. Trade of Gold and salt saw the rice of government structures under chiefs who ruled under the kinship systems.
The development of empires grew larger with increased trading of gold and salt in Trans-Saharan trade routes. Trades from the east brought in weapons such as swords that lead to military force developments.
New Orleans was significant during the Civil War, because the city was divided. The northern part was controlled by the Union Army, but the southern part was still Confederate so they were spared from the Emancipation Proclamation. Many cities in the South were destroyed, but New Orleans was largely spared. Many African-American troops fought for the North and most of New Orleans was captured and controlled by the Union Army early on in the war.