From the original task to reading for information.
For one, the woman in her story is a domineering wife, who openly admits to keeping her husband under her thumb. The Wife of Bath seems to be a very confident and forceful individual, as shown by her willingness to push around and mock the people in the party (another thing uncommon of women in that time period).
For one, the woman in her story is a domineering wife, who openly admits to keeping her husband under her thumb. The Wife of Bath seems to be a very confident and forceful individual, as shown by her willingness to push around and mock the people in the party (another thing uncommon of women in that time period).
The white horse which was first in the race, a young horse never tired, fast horse always speedy, innocent horse sometimes not so naive, smart horse extremy skillful, Arab horse with some English blood, tall horse always slim, fantastic horse that seems to fly, foreign animal in the desert, thin beast with strong fur belonged to Napoleon.
They went to see a movie with their friends too.
I saw a friend across the street, so I went over to see him
They went with him to the movies and we went too.