Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians lived among the established Arab population.
There were Christianized tribes, as well as Christian communities. The Sasanian empire, which had influence in northern Arabia was mostly adept of Zoroastrianism. On the other hand, Judaism had a strong influence on the birth of Islam, due to its strong presence in this territory, in Medina, a very important city for Islam, they were half of the population at the time of arrival of Mohammed.
Cultural resistance to educating females has resulted in inequality between males and females in education.
I took the test. This is the right answer.
The scientific method was discovered in 1561-1626 by Sir Francis Bacon. A scientific method is when the experimenter creates a hypothesis to test it out and make sure it is correct for its project.
As for the tactics part, guerilla warfare, done right, is so effective because it confers one very big advantage onto the guerilla: He never needs to fight in a disadvantageous position, has no supply line to speak of to protect and can always attack his opponent where he is weakest.
Although many of the engagements of the American Revolution were conventional, guerrilla warfare was used to a certain extent during this conflict from 1775 to 1783, which made a significant impact. . The Forage War raised morale for the Patriots as their guerrilla operations against the British were very effective.
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