tensions between "new" immigrants and naturalized citizens from earlier waves of immigration? The increased size of the labor force caused by the "new" immigrants reduced wages for everyone
Increased brain size allowed Homo sapiens to become more successful hunters than the early humans that came before.
The term homo sapiens refers to the only extant human species. The name is Latin for "wise man" and was introduced in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus.
Brain size in both Neanderthals and Anaromically Modern Human (homo sapiens) is significantly larger on average than brain size in H. erectus. Neanderthal and AMH brain sizes are in the same range.
Because they had to get a certain amount of states to verify the law in order to take action.
Birth control and abortion Roe v. Wade it does reflect the spirit of the constitution. It reflects because it protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. And this shows how individual rights come into play when talking about landmark decisions. The second is discrimination against race. Race is one of the biggest things in today's society and when talking about this topic its a hard decision. First it goes together with the constitution for many reasons individual rights. And during this meeting of Dred Scott v. Sanford they discussed Black African Americans rights to become a citizen which means the rights of the Constitution were not even considered.