C: choices that are impossible to reverse
Answer: A. Pathos and logos
In this passage, the speaker uses both pathos, which is an appeal to emotion, and logos, which refers to an appeal based on logic. She first states that because she does not have a license, she cannot drive. This is a logical argument. Afterwards, she states that it is "totally embarrasing" to be driven to the party by her father. In this case, the speaker makes an appeal to pathos, or to emotions.
An art song is usually for solo voice and is accompanied by solo piano. (Just as a side note, I recommend listening to the Erlking by Schubert if you have time; it's a German art song (lied))
Here the answer
Every sitcom episode has a main plot (story A), as well as one or two subplots (stories B and C).” There are three main acts, divided by two commercial breaks (in most American TV), with 3-5 scenes per act.