Aboard the Mayflower, by necessity, the Pilgrims and "Strangers" made a written agreement or compact among themselves. The Mayflower Compact was probably composed by William Brewster, who had a university education, and was signed by nearly all the adult male colonists, including two of the indentured servants.
No. This was called World War 2 because it was the second war that was held on such a large scale that it encompassed all the great forces of the entire world, from Europe to America to Asia and Australia. Before it was World War 1, which wasn't numbered since nobody expected world war 2 to happen, so it was called the Great War.
The Battle of Britain was an important battle in World War II. After Germany and Hitler had conquered most of Europe, including France, the only major country left to fight them was Great Britain. Germany wanted to invade Great Britain, but first they needed to destroy Great Britain's Royal Air Force.
Europeans hoped to expand trade for spices, which yielded large profits; to find precious metals; and to convert any people they encountered to Christianity.