You have to pay taxes to the government, which the government uses to fund public services.
If you go to a public school, the government is the one running your schooling.
The government may have strict controls over what you can and cannot do
It brought advantage to the countries using it. It became a whole new way of fighting war.
Jerusalem is a city which holds significance to many major world religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
In today's world, religious significance remains a key obstacle to peace between Israelis and Palestinians – both wish to establish their capital there.
Allusions are used as stylistic devices to help contextualize a story by referencing a well-known person, place, event, or another literary work. These references do not have to be explicitly explained; more often than not, writers choose to let readers fill in the blanks.
<span>Andrew Johnson's behavior strengthened the unity between moderate and Radical Republicans and prompted many Democrats to support them as well.</span>