Amy Tan's point here is that her mother made herself perfectly understood even though her English was anything but good and pure.
I would pick the last choice
When you think of Marcie, you think of intricate constellations and ablaze stars. She was beyond the mere standard of being beautiful, she was ethereal- she was out of this world. Her sleek, black hair was like a well-woven net of silk ribbons; it captured the attention of everyone around her and captivated them for all the right reasons. Her beady, slanted eyes were worth a million buck, for they held so much passion and devotion that ignited her existence with glee. When her hands stroked the gleaming strings of her harp, she momentarily took off to her own world- somewhere more celestial, more familiar to her. Her graceful aura was endearing; everyone who knew her, respected her and looked up to her. Marcie was the epitome of elegance and eloquence, but she was also a conflicted enigma.
Violent movies have been known to cause more violent behavior in children
Being an American is awesome. I feel that I am part of the best country in the whole wide world and feel that we all are blessed with so much freedom in our everyday lives. Many people in the United States are used to hearing themselves as an “American”, but they do not associate it with privilege anymore. Everyone uses the word so often, but they barely know what it means. Many people hate the fact that they live in this country, and they never take the time to realize how blessed they are to live in America. These people are blind to the fact that many others around the world would give anything to be in their shoes, ready for the opportunity to succeed and start a new life.
People in the United States take the freedom this country has to offer for granted. They don’t realize what kinds of freedoms they really have and how unique they are compared to the rest of the world. The word that clearly describes “American” is “Free”. It does not mean that an American can obtain free food, a free car or a free home. Instead it means that a person living in the United States is free to make their own decisions, such as choosing who will run the country. In the United States of America, the people have freedom of speech, religion, the right to vote, the right to keep and bear arms, and ability to travel where and when they want. Here in this country we can decide how to live our lives, without the government breathing down our necks telling us what to do.
We can speak our minds about a certain injustice or write about controversial things that many people deem unconstitutional or politically incorrect. In the United States, we have an opportunity to serve our country. We have the chance to give back something to a country that has given us so much. We aren’t forced into the military service, but rather we have a choice whether or not we want to serve. Here in the United States, we are truly blessed with so much. I believe being an American means that we are all part of something truly special and we as Americans carry a certain sense of pride in our country.
Freedom of speech and the freedom of religion are prohibited in many countries around the globe but Americans have fought to obtain these rights. America was formed on the idea that religion and speech should not be controlled by the government. Being able to speak out about an injustice is very important for the overall health of a nation. People will always continue to be people. They will lie and cheat to get more and more power. In the United States, we are able to see that and write or speak about it without fear of any retaliation. We have a right to say our minds, a right to say whats on our heart. If someone is the government is doing something that is unconstitutional or illegal, we can say or write whatever we want about it without the fear of being punished.