Wife: "I think that it is time to move out of here and buy a home instead"
Husband: "But we have rented this place for so many years and I love it here!"
Wife: "It's hard living here, there aren't many good jobs, the people aren't the best and there isn't anything to do!"
Husband: "Okay, but... Like you said... there aren't many good jobs and we could not afford to move anywhere. We cannot afford to buy a house"
Wife: "I know but we can work harder, take a second job and make enough to reach our goal!"
Husband: "But do you think this will work? Will we make enough money to buy that house?"
Wife: "Yes we will I know we can do anything we just need to be willing to work hard to make it happen!"
Husband: "Your right!"
This all came from my head lol.
To prove the law wrong about slaves
I think the answer would be C. Adaptations since those are such harsh environments that animals usually don’t survive
The sentence is basically saying there is a solution to everything if you know how to correctly face it so it would be D