Well I see it as an A for effort. But in in all fairness if you lost the game you shouldn't really be a sore loser because of it. In football games the people keeping score don't give the points the other team that lost because "they tried". I was on the cheerleading team and the other girls won nationals but I thought it was unfair because we all really tried our hardest and the thought we should get extra points. But I know that's totally ridiculous now.
Pacification<span> is an attempt to create or maintain peace. That can mean appeasing a hostile country through diplomacy or even just by settling an argument. A pacifist is someone who is against fighting and wars. it is saying that fdr wants peace and equality. It serves the same message has mlk's i have a dream speech.</span>
The tour guide EXPLAINS that either candles or a lantern IS used to see into the tomb.
Tour guide is singular. Therefore, verb used must be in singular form.
Lantern is singular and it is the nearest subject of the verb. Thus, the verb must also be in singular form.
Answer: She should not.
Every profession has a range of salaries that practitioners in that profession might earn from the lowest salary possible to the highest. For instance, Carpenters in the United States can expect a yearly salary of between $41,784 and $72,987.
The Median figure refers to the figure in the middle of this range and separates what those in the upper half of the range will get from those in the lower half. It is not a given that a person will earn the median salary as they may earn lower or higher than it depending on multiple factors such as education, location, additional skills, number of years in the profession, etc.
Prose writing that is a product of the authors imagination