Adams signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts and built up the Army and Navy in the undeclared Quasi-War with France. During his term, he became the first president to reside in the executive mansion now known as the White House
Kryzys przysięgowy[edytuj]
Kryzys przysięgowy – kryzys związany z odmową złożenia przysięgi na wierność Królestwu Polskiemu i dotrzymanie braterstwa broni wojskom Niemiec i Austro-Węgier do końca wojny przez żołnierzy Legionów Polskich (głównie I i III Brygady) 9 i 11 lipca 1917.
it would depend on which world war films you are referring to but the answer would be true
Split the religion of Christianity in the West and the East
[The Great Schism]
Divided the Byzantine Empire
[ Iconoclastic Controversy ]
The Roman pope and Eastern patriarch excommunicated each other [ The Great Schism]
The Great Schism of 1054 was the breakup of the Christian church into two sections—the Western and the Eastern sections. These two sections were to turn into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The divide remains today although there have been attempts to reconcile the two churches.
There are many different trains of thought that lead Americans to their own mindset about the aid of Middle Eastern independence.
Generally speaking, there are many people who believe that the United States should be the Police of the world or the hero of smaller countries and help them since they have the power to do so.
Others believe that the United States has no rights of interfering in foreign affairs and should mind their own business.
There are those who just don't agree with the idea of sending kids to die for other countries as well, no matter why.