In a system known as the triangular trade, Europeans traded manufactured goods for captured Africans, who were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to become slaves in the Americas. The Europeans, in turn, were supplied with raw materials.
A. The Enlightenment's emphasis on reason was in contrast to superstition and traditional beliefs. The Scientific Revolution had shown that there are natural laws in place in the physical world and in the universe at large. Applying similar principles to matters like government and society, using reason will guide us to the best ways to operate politically so as to create the most beneficial conditions for society.
B. Locke's ideal was one that promoted individual freedom and equal opportunity for all. Each individual's well-being (life, health, liberty, possessions) should be served by the way government and society are arranged.
C. Locke's ideals ARE a model for our country today ... or perhaps I should say Locke's ideals are the model on which our country, the United States, was founded. We may want to study some of Locke's political thought to keep our country focused in that direction. Ever since 9-11 and subsequent fears of terrorism, as a nation sometimes we've tended to follow more so the ideas of Thomas Hobbes (a predecessor of Locke), who focused on security as the primary national concern. Locke's focus always was on liberty as the dominant goal.
The economic, social and political causes of the Civil War were:
- Racism. The social cause for the Civil War was mostly racism, the people in the South wanted to keep their slaves because they were workers that they didn't have to pay for their farm, and they were using them for labor. The North wanted to abolish slavery, but the South didn't want them to.
- Tariffs. In the North, people could afford high tariffs because they were working in factories, and industrialization was very common over there. But, the people in the South could not afford to pay the high tariffs, and felt betrayed by the North. They were going into debt and couldn't afford to keep their farms and plantations.
- The political reason for the Civil War was the President, Abraham Lincoln. He had been elected that year was loved by the North, but not the South. The North loved him because he wanted to abolish slavery, raise tariffs, and he promoted the industrialization of the South, and didn't want slavery to be carried on to the West. The South didn't like that, so they caused a war.
Answer: b. raise prices in the face of competition from another company