I can't see the whole exercise, but I guess you have to mix two "frases hechas", so you can say "A caballo regalado, buena sombra le cobija" which is a mix of 2 Spanish "frases hechas" (I don't remember the word in English, sorry): "a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente" and "a quien buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija"
1 ¿Te gustan?
2 ¿Les gustan rojos o verdes?
3 Me gusta preguntarle en la clase de ciencias.
This is a school app, and the only thing you can ask is school questions or the moderators (which there are a lot) will remove ur question and give u a warning. to many warnings and they delete ur account. Answer questions to get points, points make it so that you can ask questions.
1 La doctora me recomienda un EXAMEN de pies a cabeza.
If you can translate that then I can help you.