Specialized skilled workers became obsolete as complex societies grew and traded with neighbors.
Because The trade or barter system disappeared under the growth of complex societies did not disappear.Animism became the main religious practice as villages became complex societies this did not happen poly something became main religion. Clan or family leadership evolved to village or town leadership, which made laws and maintained order this also did not happen.
The Chinese merchant class benefitted the most from the trade conducted on the silk road. The silk road trade allowed the Chinese economy to grow and also established trade relations with Europeans.
The invention of the telegraph and telephone helped improve the standard in the United States by making the lives of the citizens more easier and efficient. The telegraph was a machine that send messages to places from long distances. The telephone is a machine that transmits sound to another device. The telegraph and telephone helped improve the living standards by helping people send messages and audio to places from long distances, so the person doesn't have to send a letter that could take days for the person to receive. It made the lives of the people in the United States a lot easier.
Answer: The 89th Congress (1965–1967) passed a huge burst of domestic legislation that protected voting rights, promoted education, cared for the elderly, helped clean up the water and the air, promoted the arts and humanities, advanced automobile and highway safety, and extended a helping hand to the economically.
we do now. There will be many more requests for unanimous consent; like- wise there will be many more objections by individual Senators, for there will ... The Congress defined that role in the. Employment Act of 1946.