It would require frequent rainfall. It cannot survive on dry land without constant water.
Burning of woods has a negative impact on the climate.
Burning of woods for heating has a negative impact on our climate because it releases carbondioxide gas which is a greenhouse gas that trapped the reflected solar radiation and leads to global warming. We have to used alternative methods for heating such as electric heater instead of burning of wood which produce no pollution and can fulfill the requirement of heating so from the above discussion we can say that the activity has a negative impact on the environment.
Nuclear power plants use the energy originating from the splitting or uranium atoms to produce steam, which in turn drives a turbine generator.
The main problem with this form of energy production is the byproduct from the nuclear reactors known as radioactive waste. Although it is no longer efficient for the energy production, this waste is still radiating large amounts of heat and radiation. Thus, they are very hazardous as they are fatal on direct exposure and can contaminate the environment.
Due to the extremely long half-life, long term storage for this waste is extremely problematic. However, if the decay rates were much faster, then the half-life would also be much shorter. Thus, short term storage solutions could be found.
Excepting the nuclear waste and the potential accidents (which are minimized in modern plants), nuclear energy does not immediately affect the climate on earth. With short half-lives, nuclear energy would perhaps become more popular than solar or wind energy as it is more reliable and efficient.
Q1ans-Every cell in the human body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women
Q2ans.All the above
Yes, for a couple of reasons.
1. Carbon connects easily with other carbons.
2. Carbon forms chemical that can change and connect with other carbons even in biology or especially in Biology. If you take a brown seen and plant it where it can get water and soil nutrients, to will come up as a green plant. Think about the chemistry that goes into that. Not only that, but there are mechanisms that tell the upper part of the plant that the roots can't supply any more growth. Isn't that something? All made from Carbon.
3. The human body is a mass of Carbon based chemicals and all cells there can have different functions. Amazing isn't it? I'm a fan of the diversity of our planet and its growth.