It is better to investigate a situation than to accept it without question
The correct answer is:
B. Wasn't that rainbow after the thunderstorm just lovely?
To correct answer choice A, it would be:
<span>Haven't the animals at the zoo seemed sleepy?
To correct answer choice C, it would be:
<span>Doesn't she notice the gift next to her chair?</span>
This type of a drama is called a tragedy, and this pity you feel is called Catharsis, as conceived by Aristotle.
Men and Moutains is a book of personal adventure and discovery of William O. Douglas. It is an account of the way Douglas and other men found a richer life in the mountains and how they found something else besides. I
because Yeardley arrived in Virginia from England and announced that the Virginia Company had voted to abolish martial law and create a legislative assembly.