alternate A is the simple and the primary difference.
short stories concentrate more on one character only where as novel on different characters
C is the answer. When will the winter end?
<span>The Latin root "spec" or "spect" comes from specto, spectare - a 1st conjugation verb meaning to observe or watch. "Spectare" ("to observe") is the infinitive form of the verb.</span>
Groups of singers who praised the hero
</span><span>Then suddenly the singer threw up his face, straightened his tubby figure, rose upon his tiptoes, and with wagging head and scarlet cheeks emitted such a howl as the same dog might have given had his growl been checked by a kick from his master.
Every Greek was a trained critic, and as unsparing in his hisses as he was lavish in his applause.
Many a singer far better than this absurd fop had been driven amid execration and abuse from the platform.</span>