<span> It’s the preamble who
presents the purpose of constitution. The preamble was placed in the said
constitution during the last remaining days of Constitutional convention.
Preamble confirms that the constitution was made for the United Stated. It was
the people of the United Stated who created the Preamble in order to give
people the rights. Preamble means “We the People” refers to the citizens of the
United States. This preamble was also created in order to obtain right justice
and gain common defense for the people of the United States.
President Bush's reasons for going to war proved false
The main reason for the invasion of Iraq was the alleged development and usage of bio-chemical weapons by this Middle Eastern country. Representatives from the UN were sent to investigate it, but it turned out that the allegations were false, and that Iraq doesn't develop or have weapons of that type. The UN representatives though were not let to say what they find out and saw, and mysteriously they all died in very controversial accidents in the coming months. Bush's administration though had already set its sights on Iraq and invading it, so despite the allegations being false they attacked it, invaded it, killed their leader, and got hold onto their natural resources.
Edgar Allan Poe was 40 years old when he died. He was born Jan 19 1809 and died October 7 1849
The Nile, which flows northward for 4,160 miles from east-central Africa to the Mediterranean, provided ancient Egypt with fertile soil and water for irrigation, as well as a means of transporting materials for building projects. Its vital waters enabled cities to sprout in the midst of a desert.
Air force
costal guard