The answer to your question would be that the version of the sentence that uses the preposition to show location is the following one: The unexpected blackout occurred near the masquerade ball.
The preposition showing location in the sentence above is <em>near.</em> This preposition means "not far away in distance". All the other versions of the sentence use the prepositions to give information as regards the time in which the event being referred to took place (before, during, and after).
Answer:Many years ago, there lived a great and powerful king called Sango. He was bestowed with power by his Mother's people in Nupe. His Grandfather gave him thunderbolt stones which he used to summon thunder from the sky. This power made him known as the god of fire and thunder.
No matter what (I'm assuming you are using MLA format), you still need to include a work's cited page for the resources you have used.