During a volcanic eruption, the geosphere always interacts with the atmosphere, and that is the case with Mount Saint Helen's as well. During the eruption, the volcano which is part of the geosphere, releases lot of gases, ash, debris into the atmosphere. As they are propelled into the atmosphere, these volcanic products became part of the atmosphere, thus affecting its composition and properties, giving us a nice and simple example of interaction between the two spheres.
Lunar eclipses
The only shape that casts a round shadow no matter which direction it is pointed is a sphere, and the ancient Greeks deduced that this must mean the Earth is spherical.
Answer: In Medieval Europe, knights pledged loyalty to vassals, who in turn pledged theirs to powerful lords, and serfs labored in the fields.
A rigid hierarchy refers to one where people who are born into a certain position in life, find it quite hard to move from it or rather one where there are different social classes and people had to be classified in one class for the system to work.
The system during medieval times was much like this. Social classes existed that determined a person's worth in society such as the knights, vassals, Lords and Royals. There was also the serfs who were considered the lowest in the hierarchy.
Places around Cairo and Aswan are the largest concentrations of people in the region.
Concentration means how spread out things are in space. They could either be clustered or dispered. The purple on this map represents clustered, and as you can see, that Cairo is the largest city and the capital of Egypt, which is one reason why it has the largest concentrations of people.