ANSWER: The height of the ocean floor near the middle slit is much greater than the elevation close to the side slit. This disparity influences the depth of the ocean since the water depth would also be higher as the elevation and pressure are higher.
Why By Mimiwhatsup: Nathan Hale, an American spy - was caught in NY. Before he was sentenced to death his last famous words were: “I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country.”
Answer: C.Nathan Hale
The average flow velocity of a river increases along its long profile. This makes sense; along the profile, more potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, increasing the velocity. This is only the average velocity however; a cross-section of a river shows that the velocity varies from one side to the other.
Answer: 5
3 + 1 = 4 (a =10) 3+1+10=14
North Africa receives substantially less insolation than Sub-Saharan Africa.
North Africa receives less solar radiation from the sun as compared to Sub-Saharan Africa because north Africa is far from equator whereas the Sub-Saharan Africa is located near and on the equator zone. Those regions who are on the equator experience direct solar radiation of sun that leads to higher insolation as compared to areas which is far away from equator receives lower insolation so that's why North Africa have low insolation as compared to Sub-Saharan Africa.