<em>Well, if there's no answer choices, then I'd say some benefits is you get to be creative and learn at the same time. Sometimes, it's best to just sit down at your instrument or online if you play a virtual instrument, and then just play away for some time and see what you can come up with. Maybe even record it and then analyse it later and see if you played anything you like and maybe make music out of it. Making Music can make a lot of money, even just making a cover for a commercial or something of that sort, of course that has its downsides, most notably Time. Sometimes, coming up with Ideas are just the horn-blowing of the battle, and there's much more to come afterwards. You then have to find time to execute those Ideas and then Revise them. As for the rest of the question, I'm not sure. But I am a Musician Myself, so I know a bit about this.</em>
not my business but ima just say: i wouldn't do that if i were you. he might use it against you at some point. like say he cheats. he might use that against you.