The Web is just one of the ways that information can be disseminated over the Internet
The operating system controls hardware and soft
There are two ways in which an organizer can assist in taking notes:
1. It helps one make connections between different topics. (concept maps are really good for this)
2. It allows one to identify the main topics and subtopics. (outlines are great for this purpose)
total = 0
for i in range(4):
bill = float(input("Enter bill for quarter " + str(i+1) + ": "))
total += bill
average = total / (4 * 3)
if average > 75:
print("Average monthly bill is $" + str(average) + ". Too much water is being used")
if 25 <= average < 75:
print("Average monthly bill is $" + str(average) + ". A typical amount of water is being used")
if average < 25:
print("Average monthly bill is $" + str(average) + ". Thank you for conserving water")
*The code is in Python.
Create a for loop that asks the user to enter the bill for 4 quarters and calculate the total of the bills
Calculate the average monthly bill, divide the total by 12
Check the average for the given conditions. Depending on its value print the required message along with the average monthly bill