not sure but ,U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese admitted on 25 November that profits from weapons sales to Iran were made available to assist the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. On the same day, John Poindexter resigned, and President Reagan fired Oliver North.
If it is in south Africa then its imprisonment because in SA we don't have death penalities
Let me give you an example like the hudson river you can use the hudson river for water fishing and transportation
it just depends on what is there for it to matter about its landform
Hope this helps
Rulers should maintain supreme position and set a virtue and moral example.
Cultural exchange affected ancient civilizations as they became more diverse.
Cultural exchange is a process by which different civilizations or social groups begin to contact each other through trade and other means, exchanging not only goods and services but also cultural components such as art, religion, language or architecture, just to name examples.
Thus, for example, the Silk Road was a means of cultural exchange between Europe, the Middle East, and China, through which each region involved in trade through this route began to gain increasing influence from the others. . That caused, for example, Islam to spread to nations in the interior of Asia, or Chinese spices were traded in Italian markets.
As a final result, cultural exchange generated the development of more diverse civilizations, which began to adopt foreign cultural manifestations that enriched their own cultures and ended up adopting certain characteristics as their own (such as Italian food, which has a large number of pasta dishes , which were originally created in China).