Becuase the British would not let them have a diffrent faith or religion, it was only what the king said you. if the king said you were Christian you were Christian if the king said you were Muslim. If you denied what the king said, he would excute you for treason
That's why we have the first amendment, freedom of speech; which allows us to say whatever we want and also beleve in whatever we want. (Unless it is harming yourselves or other people)
It adresses directly to needs.
Evolutionary models of creativity feed themselves on analysis made on contextual needs. A sequential models could demonstrate the development of an idea or project, but it does not necessarly adresses a specific need that has come up. Instead, when you give an evolutionary perspective to an idea and analyze the impact it has had. It leads to real creative scenarios that have taken into consideration changes brought upon a previous idea or product that was given to society.
Local newspapers are heavily relied on by the public for a lot of the local information that they need. National newspapers, on the other hand, provide people with stories from across the U.S., and around the world.
According to Freud, the last part of the human mind to develop at ages 2 or 3 is the cognitive development or their social cognition wherein children interacts with other people and to see things from their own point of view. It tackles more about a child's feelings, thoughts, wants and motives.