Poetry is open to more than one interpretation
For the most part, the limit of the Poetry will have numerous understandings. The Poetry gives various kinds of writing depends on the interaction of words and musicality. It frequently utilizes rhyme and meter (a lot of rules overseeing the number and game plan of syllables in each line).
In Poetry, words are hung together to shape sounds, pictures, and thoughts that may be excessively mind-boggling or theoretical to portray straightforwardly. The objective of an understanding is to show up at a subject, the message, behind the Poetry. These are a couple of key parts to concentrate on when starting to decipher a bit of idyllic writing.
- <u>Many of them are following the sequence</u> that they have. This is a normal question for, usually, the fourth grade and its purpose is to awake the imagination in children and in that way teacher can see what is the knowledge of the children in the class and what is their point of view, can they describe their imagination in a proper way.
There is no wrong answer to this question and that is why this is one of the most interesting questions in the school. Teachers should always follow the sequence when it comes to this kind of question.
The answer is 'by not fulfilling expectations'. The other options don't really surprise the reader, and if the plot is going into one direction, and then what you'd expect to happen doesn't actually happen, you are surprised, and the element of irony is achieved.
⇒ <span>Antagonist:
1. An opponent or enemy in a story
</span>⇒ <span>Protagonist:
</span>1. The main character in any story, such as a literary work or drama.
<span>2. </span>A leading person in a contest; a principal performer.
<span>3. </span>An advocate or champion of a cause or course of action.
Rainsford is the protagonist in the story.