I don't know but this <em>might</em> help:
The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
The scientific revolution laid the foundations for the Age of Enlightenment, which centered on reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and emphasized the importance of the scientific method.
A third party is a part that doesn’t fit the criteria of belonging to the two dominant parties of the US. In simple terms, it is any party that isn’t the two dominant parties (republican and democratic).
D: There is nothing voluntary about paying taxes. We have to do it.
A: Maybe. My father felt that way. "Thank goodness I have enough money to afford to pay taxes."
B: I would pick this one. You like good roads and a good education system? Then pay your taxes to maintain these thihngs.
C and E: Neither of these strike me as the reason for paying taxes. It is not really a thing we do joyfully. Nor is it a thing that we do to show that we are civic minded.
Democrats had been losing elections in what had long been considered solid Democratic territory in the South. Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat who took up the presidency after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, had become associated in the minds of voters with the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement aimed to give black Americans equality. This did not sit well with white voters in the South. In the 1964 presidential election, the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater, won the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Nevertheless, Johnson prevailed and won the election. But it showed conservative Democrats were willing to shift to the Republican party if they felt it more closely aligned with their views.