1. American mosques are effective deterrents against violent extremism in their communities.
2. There is no clear, predictable path to radicalization.
3. Religion is one of many identities within a person and rarely the sole motivator for action.
Religious terrorism is a type of religious violence where terrorism is used as a tactic to achieve religious goals or which are influenced by religious identity.
The most common form of terrorist attack in the United States was a bombing/explosion type attack. There were 1,414 such incidents in the United States between 1970 and 2018.
The most popular theory is that poverty causes terrorism. When people are deprived of certain resources and opportunities, poverty can create resentment and cause some to turn to terrorism in order to express their outrage
<em>While Rosh Hashanah tends to be a day of celebration, Yom Kippur is a far more somber holiday. Traditionally, the Yom Kippur services begin at sundown with the “Kol Nidre” prayer, an affirmation in ancient Aramaic that “all vows” (or “kol nidre”) made to God in the coming year are null and void.</em>
Fascism was based off the idea that the nation as a whole is more important than individual people. Fascism also created strong feelings of nationalism, or pride for one's country, which led to clashes with other countries, and therefore war.