Naval supplies were obtained from the Hessians.
Immigration leads to more innovation, a better educated workforce, greater occupational specialization, better matching of skills with jobs, and higher overall economic productivity. Immigration also has a net positive effect on combined federal, state, and local budgets.
Immigration has various effects on each of these governments. For instance, it increases the local government's spending level as they cater to education and other services for the immigrants.
Answer and Explanation:
Mahabharata says that royalty is necessary to create a sense of belonging to the people, in addition to creating religious and civil unity in a territory. This is because royalty determines the rules to be followed to create the organization of the society, in addition to representing a religion that must be followed and promoting faith and hope for its people. This kind of importance can also be seen in Egyptian royalty, with the difference that in Egypt, royalty did not represent a religion, but was seen as the very god of his people. An author who decides to tell this story, seeks to show readers how royalty can have different meanings in different cultures and regions.